Church Donations
Dear Notre Dame Catholic Church Family:
I truly miss interacting with you during the Celebration of Mass and our faith-based and social activities at Notre Dame Catholic Church. The Diocese of Palm Beach provided formal notification that Catholic Churches are closed to attendance or personal visits to combat the spread of the coronavirus. I am attaching a copy of this letter from Bishop Gerald Barbarito. It addresses many of the questions regarding this action.
Future updates and information regarding the Holy Week services will be posted to our website at, our facebook page at @Notredamecatholicchurch/Fort Pierce, on twitter @Notre_damecc and Instagram @churchnotredamecatholic. The weekly bulletin will be produced and posted to the website each week. The Masses will continue to be celebrated on Sunday although public participation will be excluded. You may be in spiritual communion with the celebration of the Eucharist from home using “livestreaming” from our website and Facebook page, “Notre Dame Catholic Church Fort Pierce” on Sunday at 8 a.m. in English and 10 a.m. in Creole.
At this time, the parish staff is working from home or maintaining the required social distance. The financial difficulty caused by the coronavirus may require changes to the availability of staff as time progresses. It is essential that you know there is always a means by which the parish office can be contacted for assistance, and that a priest is available to members, even if only by phone. It is important to know the Parish is open and that Masses will be celebrated. The Sarah’s Kitchen will continue to serve carry-out meals each week, and at least one volunteer will be available at St. Vincent de Paul each morning if food supplies are available for those in need. Unfortunately, there are few canned goods available for the homeless. The Church Secretary will continue to perform secretarial, bookkeeping and Mass Intention scheduling from home. You may call Kathy at 772-448-8200. If you have an emergency need to speak to Fr. Yves, please call 772-971-9080. Our Father in Heaven is always available and we recommend you contact Him using this prayer.
Diocesan Prayer for God’s Protection in the face of the Coronavirus Pandemic
Loving and gracious God, as in all times, we turn to You and implore Your protection and healing as we face a new threat to our health and peaceful well-being in the coronavirus pandemic before us. Help us to be united with each other and with all our brothers and sisters around the world affected by this illness. We pray for all those in the medical field who are assisting patients and in the field of science who are discerning a cure, as well as for all government leaders. Remember those who, through this virus, have passed from this life as well as their families in their loss.
At this time of fragile uncertainty, we also humbly implore You to grant us prudence, hope, courage and patience. Dispel from us fear, panic and distrust which disrupt us in spirit to the detriment of our well-being.
We make our prayer in the name of your beloved Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who always cured those who were sick with various diseases and drove out many demons. Our Lady, Patroness of our Diocese, Queen of the Apostles and Comforter of the Afflicted, pray for us, Amen.
My final appeal is that you remember your Church during this pandemic time. The majority of our operation expenses continue even when our revenues cease. Only a few months of this can occur before we run out of money. I’m appealing to my entire Church family to continue your offerings and donations. You can mail your check to Notre Dame Catholic Church, 217 N. US 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34950, or use your credit card to send a donation through PayPal to Notre Dame Catholic Mission. I am deeply grateful to you and pray that you and your families remain healthy. May God bless you always,
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Rev. Yves Geffrard