Our parish Celebrated the Christmas Eve with a Spiritual Concert !

In the evening of December 24th, the parishioners gathered to celebrate Christmas Eve with a spiritual concert animated by the two Choirs of the parish: Saint Michael Archangel and Notre Dame Choirs.
The atmosphere was festive. Popular carols such as: Little Drummer Boy, Holy Night and Gloria in Exelcis Deo, were performed for the public’s enjoyment which in turn, did not hide its satisfaction by clapping and cheering. This concert, in memory of Father Simoli, who was murdered in Haiti , was filled with emotions. The Master of Ceremony, Father Yves Geffrard, took the opportunity to thank all those who have helped putting the concert together.
Santa Claus brought happiness to the children of the community by giving them gifts through Mrs. Kathy.
The parish has been hosting this traditional concert for 8 years.

Here are the pictures: ,

A Christmas Party With Sarah’s Kitchen at Notre Dame Parish Hall

It was a great pleasure gathering at Notre Dame Parish Hall for sharing a hot meal meal with friends before the Christmas holiday.
Thank you to Walmart for supporting Sarah’s Kitchen.
Wishing Happy holidays to everyone,  we would like to say a special thank you to those who helping us to set up this Christmas celebration: Our Volunteers and
Saint Michael Archangel Choir.
Happy Holidays and Blessings!
Sarah’s Kichen
December 22, 2017


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Aktivite Jeriko Nan Legliz Notre Dame, Fort Pierce.

Se avèk anpil Chalè ke Pè Yves Geffrard te lanse yèswa nan Legliz Notre Dame gwo kokenn chenn Aktivite Jeriko ke Legliz la abitye òganize depi plis pase 8 lane. Aktvite a te kòmanse ak yon bèl meditasyon chaplè ke Frè Donald ak Gwoup soutyen te anime ki te vin kontinye ak gwò animasyon ke Peggy Joseph ak Johnny Normil ki se 2 animatè ki sòti toudwat Pòtoprens ak Montreal te asire ak anpil lafwa. Youn nan moman fò sware sa se te sitou Invokasyon San Presye de Jezi kote tout fidèl yo tap aji lafwa yo. Anpil chante ak danse ki te ban nou sansasyon ke Lespri Sen an te prezan nan mitan nou.
Apre yon ti moman silans , Lamès la te kòmanse avèk kòm selebran Prinsipal Pè Wislet Defranc ki te pèmèt tout moun viv selebrasyon sa ak yon bèl omeli. Se te yon sous lagras ki tap koule. Kòm chak ane, touswit apre lamès la nou te gen adorasyon Sen Sakreman. Yon lòt bèl moman ankò. Se te gras sou gras.
Se konsa premye jou Jeriko a te fini. Pè Yves ki tap remèsye tout moun ki te rann aktivite sa posib pat mete dlo nan bouch li poul te egzòte tout kominòte a pou vin patisipe e mande pou moun ki te la yo mennen yon lòt moun pandan tout rès jou Jeriko a.

Notre Dame Catholic Church

A spiritual concert to start the Advent time at Holly Cross Catholic Church in Vero Beach

Today, the St Michael Archangel and the Youth Choir were at Holly Cross Catholic Church in Vero Beach to perform a spiritual concert for the preparation of Christ coming at Christmas and as well for His second coming. Father Yves GEFRARD who is the Administrator of Notre Dame catholic Church was also performing his favorite song: One day at a time. It was a  very nice event. The Public was so happy and  asked  us to come back again for a new concert.

Markesha Thompson, our choreographer did not hide her satisfaction .

Here her opinion about this wonderful concert : ” Getting a chance to sing with the St Michael Archangel at a new church in a new environment was life-changing. Sharing our talent with the members of Holly Cross blessed my heart because I got to see their  expressions and as well their excitement”.

What a wonderful way to start the Advent time?

See you on Dec 24 for out last Concert.

Notre Dame

December 3, 2017.


St Mark’s Charity Dinner

One  dinner for  two Causes:

Once again, our Church’s staff were pleased to attend St Mark’s Charity Dinner , a  great gala organized by St Mark The Evangelist Roman Catholic church of Fort Pierce in support of   Parish Youth Scholarship and St Vincent de Paul society  which  provides emergency financial support, counseling, temporary housing, clothing, and furniture to people in the community . The event was attended by more than  100   guests. A successful event that deserves to be appreciated.

Notre Dame Catholic Church  of Fort Pierce.

December 2017